Experience Wherefore Art Thou Juliet in NYCs theater district! Immersive audio augmented reality, only on ChalkNotes! Have an idea for a community? Let us know!The first reality platform.Reveal the world around you! Create and experience audio-driven content at and about real-world locations. We call these "chalknotes". Discover and connect with communities you love, putting their content into a real-world context. Live a brand. ChalkNotes enables you to discover on-location immersive trail experiences that reach beyond the screen. It turns messages into adventures – and uses the Earth as the background for every conversation.Contribute notes and comments to your favorite communities.Create real-world experiences for your own community. Communities can be public or private.By building a platform for all communities and every person, we’ve enabled people to experience the world from various points of view. Notes from diverse creators can be stacked on top of a single location to make a lattice of interconnected experiences.Join us in building a future where the world is our canvas, and connections to place, people, and ourselves matter most.